Home Health Care VS Residential Care

Home health care is an option to be considered for your senior loved one. This care allows seniors to remain in their home, where they are most comfortable. While there are a variety of choices for senior care, residential care and home companion care are the most commonly preferred choices.

Residential care homes are designed for those seeking assistance in daily routine tasks. These homes serve as a bridge between a nursing home and home living. Residential homes provide care for those seeking an intermediate level of care from compassionate providers. This type of facility provides long-term care, but it is not an alternative for individuals requiring nursing home. Residential senior homes allow seniors to age with dignity, as they receive the resources they require for daily care. Seniors experiencing memory loss and dementia are among those who benefit from residential assisted living.

Residential Care Provided Assistance
• Nutritional meal planning
• Medicinal assistance and reminders
• Bathing assistance
• Dressing and personal grooming
• Companionship and a listening ear
• Community involvement and planned activities
• Daily housekeeping assistance
• Certified caregivers
• Quick emergency care, if needed

Residential care does not offer complex levels of care. Skilled nursing services are available in a nursing home setting, only. Basic daily assistance and a helping hand is the level of care that a residential home provides for senior loved ones. Placing your loved one in a residential facility provides them with the assistance of daily care experts and community interaction. Recognizing your loved ones need for traditional care is step one. Step two is determining which level of care is needed. Home health care is a perfect solution for many seniors. This care allows them to stay in their own home.

Home Care Offers

In-home care providers allow each family to receive the flexible care their loved one requires. This type of care lifts the stress and shares the burden of responsibility for the senior loved one.

• Meal preparation
• Small household cleaning tasks
• Bathing assistance
• Companionship
• Reading materials
• Prescription pickup
• Assistance traveling to appointments
• Medication assistance and reminders

Aging can be accomplished gracefully with the help of professional care that both residential care and in-home care providers offer. Professionals are available to help family members choose the best level of care for their senior loved one. Compassionate care can bring happiness and peace for family members, as well as to their senior loved one. Aging with dignity is an expectation that can be fulfilled without causing an unhealthy burden to restrict the loved one’s family members. Enjoy the last days, months and years that you have with your senior loved one. Residential care and home health care are very popular senior care options that may serve as a bridge to higher levels of care.

Alcohol Policy Network to transition to Public Health Ontario

Alcohol Policy Network to transition to Public Health Ontario on April 1, 2012
In the past two years, the Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA) has been refocusing its efforts towards enhancing its contribution to not only its members, but also to advancing public health within the province. In consideration of the needs of its membership, mandate and strategic direction, OPHA has made the difficult decision to divest the Alcohol Policy Network (APN) to Public Health Ontario (PHO). OPHA believes this move will not only support its own goals and objectives, but also benefit APN’s clients and stakeholders.

APN has built a reputation as a support for a province-wide network of over 600 individuals and organizations dedicated to the promotion of healthy public policy with respect to alcohol. As of April 1, 2012, PHO will deliver APN services as part of its capacity building services under the direction of Dr. Heather Manson and her Health Promotion, Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention team.

Public health practitioners will benefit from increased access to PHO’s scientists, content experts, applied research and our capacity for program evaluation, planning and knowledge exchange. In turn, APN’s services will allow PHO to coordinate, align and build capacity resources in alcohol policy.

APN has a long history with OPHA. PHO looks forward to future opportunities to collaborate with OPHA to strengthen the public health system in Ontario.

Over the coming months, PHO will be collaborating closely with APN, OPHA and you, our stakeholders, regarding the new service model and to ensure continuity of service during this transition. Our website will be updated as more information becomes available. For frequently asked questions and answers, visit the Public Health Ontario website.

To contact us and access our services, please click here.


April 2012 Issues to Watch
The April 2012 of Issues to Watch is now available online. In this article we discuss how Campus Alcohol Policies are seen to Mitigate Alcohol-Related Harms along with Reflections on Alcohol Policy in Ontario. Please visit the following link for details.

The Ninth Annual Alcohol Policy Forum
The 9th annual Alcohol: No ordinary commodity forum occurred on February 27th to 28th, 2012, with resounding success. Keynote speaker Ann Dowsett Johnston along with Michael Perley, Andrew Murie, Marvin Krank, and other dynamic speakers discussed Influencing Alcohol Policy: Affecting Change through Research, Media, and AdvocacyFor presentations, background readings and related resources from this event, please visit here.


Published Research
We are pleased to share that APN’s research paperAlcohol and Community-based Violence, has been published in the McMaster University Medical Journal (Spring 2011 edition). Please visit www.mumj.org for details and to download this free manuscript.