News Home

The APOLNET Listserv is our primary forum for exchanging information among professionals interested in alcohol policy issues. Check there for annual reports, notification of recent research reports, press releases, and many other alcohol-related materials. They are also an excellent source of research from our subscribers, including individuals, corporations, and other non-profit organizations.

The Alcohol in the News digest is sent out regularly to all subscribers and contains alcohol-related news from around the world. Note that, depending on the issuing publication, some links may expire after 7 days. In that case, contact the news agency or publication directly to try and obtain a copy.

You can also see what webpages have been updated on our site by clicking on the What’s New on the Site Quick Link, at the right of the screen.

The Issues to Watch feature, housed on the home page, highlights broader issues of particular concern expressed by those involved in alcohol policy. (see also topic-specific Information Packs.)

Upcoming Events
Links to databases of alcohol and substance-abuse related events. You are welcome to add your event.

Additional areas of interest and information on this website include:

Includes lists of journals, research papers, policy papers, and bibiliographies. It also links to the APN’s Let’s Take Action series of policy guides, and the Directory of Substance Abuse and Injury Prevention contacts and the Alcohol Research Digest, a quarterly collection of research reports and abstracts on substance abuse issues and alcohol policy.

Other e-Lists
A collection of mailing lists, listservs, and e-bulletins focusing on alcohol-and substance-abuse-related issues.